wild + free

A few weeks ago, I got to spend a summer evening with this beautiful family.

I got to experience and capture glimmers of their wild + free. Their playfulness and tenderness. I was witness to the beautiful ways they connect, communicate and just be with one another.

It was an evening full of moments that make up a small piece of their lives. Getting to witness motherhood + family life, over and over, is something I will never tire of.

I left their home feeling full of admiration and inspiration. Slightly changed, as it just so happens, when spending time with new friends.

Being welcomed into your personal + intimate spaces is deeply humbling and feeds my soul.

I’m forever grateful for these opportunities. If you’d like images of your family - just as you are - invite me over! Let’s book a session. It can be as simple and laid-back as hanging out on a summer’s day.

Dianna Martin

Honest and intimate imagery of motherhood and family life, captured on film photography. Dianna Martin is located in Dundas, Ontario.


a love language


we are mosaics